
Doctrine of salami slices: the Chinese playbook

We need to be vigilant and technologically empower the armed forces to deal with the inimical contingencies. Certainly, the doctrine of Salami Slices is expected to continue as a tried and tested mechanism with a high and coercive hegemonic content in the Chinese play book as a pan global phenomenon.

Sri Lanka under Emergency: Land of the Gods weeps

Nepotism, the creation of large circles of the family clan and giving them a free hand in accumulating wealth at the cost of deterioration of national wealth and economic stability, has been the main contributor to the mess in Sri Lanka perpetrated by the Rajapaksa brothers and their lust for money and power

Tax raid at Sonu Sood-Why for Rs.20 crore evasion? Need more zeros in crores.

In the context of tax raids in India, the bugle […]

“India has not even a single start-up which has global acceptance or usage”

Hardnews in conversation with Vitul Kwatra on the state of the Indian economy and the start up ecosystem.

India-China face-off: Xi Jinping’s redlines on snow

Informed sources claim that the window to avoid an Indo-China war is for a few months till Joe Biden takes over as US President and snow starts melting in the cold desert. The Chinese want to check out their fears – whether India has become an American military ally or not!