
Checkmate Chabahar?

Why has India wilted under US pressure on Iran?

Brazil wants to grow food as business with India

Brazil is perceived as a closed economy, therefore, India should utilise every single opportunity to expand its bilateral trade ties.

BIMSTEC in Nepal: An initiative to revive?

Will BIMSTEC be the conduit for PM Modi’s ‘Act East’ and ‘Neighbourhood first’ policies, or just a cover to sidesstep Pakistan?

Indus Water Treaty: are these routine talks?

After meeting once earlier this year on the Indus Water Treaty, India and Pakistan are back on the table to discuss water sharing or is there more to this ‘routine’ talk?

India can’t swear by ‘America First’

India is working for a larger purpose to survive in a world where no space is envisaged for the other by an “America First” President