
What’s the origin of the murderous Coronavirus? Not bats surely.

Is COVID-19 made in a lab? Despite what Anthony Fauci might say, reports from all over the world suggest that it might well be

A Coronavirus testing kit for Rs.199/- could make tests really cheap and fast

The lowest priced Rapid PCR test can deliver results within an hour in less than INR 200

Why Pharma lobbies are against HCQ?

The success stories from India and elsewhere where an inexpensive HCQ was used to fight the virus were ignored and studies were faked to show how it killed people. Why?

There Were Three thousand Six Hundred and Fifty-three days

An exploration of the history of thought, this new series by Hardnews stitches together several texts to ask the reader to engage with the world around them

To Bee or Not to Bee

Despite the environment becoming pollution free, bees are declining rapidly in numbers, causing a tremor of worry across the globe.

Corona: Back to the Basics

Even as confusion looms large about the virus, here are the 5Ws of a deadly virus which will continue to ravage the world

Trust the artist to show a way forward, to imagine another world!

To me the bigger question is whether this recovery of art and culture will be led by Asia?

Donald Trump’s Presidential re-election bid may decide- is the virus a bio-weapon or of natural origin?

Could a chimeric virus be created in a lab without the vaccine or anti-body protection? Who weaponised it when it was apparent in 2015 that a lethal Corona virus could be engineered! What is shrouded in secrecy is how did the virus from bats jump on to human beings?

To Die is to Be

All it takes is a virus that has created a cloud of uncertainty, the goals have disappeared and life has boiled down to survival. Enlightenment, if it means anything, is not the sudden light of a thousand suns, but the dark crevices in our minds filled with fear.

Indian Migrants in Gulf: Uncertainties Amid Corona Curfew

Indian migrants are hoping that communal and political tensions will not play out and they can battle the Corona curfew to retain their jobs or return home and find a new one eventually if uncertainty continues to loom